Monday, July 23, 2012

America: 1, Julie: 0

The other day I had this weird flashback about a day in first grade that I honestly hadn't thought of until now. Perhaps it has to do with the non-stop buzz about politics and upcoming elections.

I was in first grade at my Elementary School in the northern suburbs of my hometown, Ham Lake, Minnesota. Population in the early 90's, a little under 10,000 and I was part of the 3% non-whites. It's not incredibly relevant but you can get a picture of what it was like. And yes, the lake is shaped like a ham, thus the brilliant name. (Although until I was about 10 until seeing a map, I thought the lake was shaped like a circle or square because I was mainly familiar with sandwich meat-type ham.)

I had a great teacher and classmates and friends, but one day we were also discussing presidents and what was required to be the President of the United States.

Nothing is worse than the feeling of being a 6 year old adopted Korean only spending 18 months of your life as an infant in Korea, moving to live the rest of your life in America, and being told you couldn't do something like that.

Seriousness aside, I'm really over it.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

( ̄□ ̄;)

Here it comes, another story about racial incompetence from customers at work.
I have more stories than one really should about these types of encounters but I'm afraid that this blog will become nothing about me griping and complaining about these politically incorrect idiots. Don't get me wrong, I'm by no means extremely politically correct.

Anyways, I was very excited to start doing liquor tastings at my work recently. I was asked to demo several different kinds of sake. This wasn't the issue if you're thinking "Oh man, they asked her to demo sake because she's Asian, right?" Non, non. Definitely not. Feeding to the awesome stereotype though I really do love sake and have been learning all about it in my spare time.

So it was first day on my job during a very busy wine sale. I was all set up at my little stand next to the sake cooler and was happy to present myself nicely and be in something other than the everyday cashier uniform I wear at work. I was excited and happy to have people come by and taste, answer questions, and give them all the knowledge my little brain held about sake.

Then this happened.

I never get mad though, I'm usually too flabbergasted to respond at the time and for some reason it just is hilarious. Then I feel bad for that person.

Like I said, these types of things happen A LOT. I'm pretty sure my co-workers can testify just because when I get a minute afterwards I go around and giggle about it to everyone I can.

So if you come up to me at work as a complete stranger and ask, "Do you know anything about sake because you're oriental?" or "Are you Chinese or Japanese?"* as if there are no other alternatives, I will laugh at you and make a comic about your stupidity.

*Note: These were actually said to me. The second one... I can't help but think of this. 

Disappointing Update is Disappointing

Sorry guys, I know I've been making promises and etc. about new posts and artwork but it just ain't happening yet. I've got a lot of crap to put out but I don't have the energy or time right now because I'm paying rent, bills, and other adult responsibilities like getting distracted by old kung-fu movies and scratching myself.

I've been reading a lot of my favorite online comics lately, I have to say my two favorite at the moment are Hyperbole and a Half and Hark! A Vagrant. If you haven't read these yet, they're two very talented ladies with great stuff. Speaking of though, I was reading an old post from Hyperbole and discovered a "keyword analysis" run for your website if you think you're not getting enough traffic. Obviously I know I'm not but I was also curious to see what keywords folks are using to look for my website.

Here it is. Half-witted comments included.

They apparently found 1604 words used... and there are the top choices.

Basically there are words lower on the list that are not as frequently used, but I want you to use those from now on when searching my website such as:

Over and out.